dev, computing and games

Do you remember DirectDraw? The DirectX 5 SDK disc came with a bunch of samples, including one called "Wormhole".

Looks like this:

How it works: despite how the image looks animated, there's no change to the framebuffer data. It's all palette rotation. The sample comes with a bitmap specially chosen so that the colors rotate to produce this 'wormhole' animation.

If you want to try it yourself, load it up from a DirectX 5 SDK disc (it's on some other SDK version discs, as well). Or, you can find it on the Internet Archive here:

My project: ported this sample to C256 Foenix. (Update: I later also ported it to F256 Foenix.)

This is a language (C to 65816) and platform (Win32+DirectDraw to C256 Foenix + Vicky II) port.

Some of the challenges were:

  • Making sure the right bitmap with the right palette gets initialized. See, it's not sufficient to simply read RGB of the original bitmap and emit a new one that looks visually equivalent. The original bitmap's palette needs to be preserved. It contains "dead" colors- colors that aren't referenced by any one pixel as you view it, but are important to the rotation effect. I wrote a tool called BitmapEmbedder to take care of this.
  • Betting on how long, in terms of clock, the rotation effect would take to execute. I was bold and put it all in VBLANK handler. Fortunately it fit and I didn't optimize for perf super aggressively. I had no idea whether it would fit. If it didn't, I would've to pull a bunch of it out and synchronize it. And it would be easier to do that at the beginning, before it's all set up. I took the risk at the beginning that it would fit and this paid off.
  • Having a loop that needed to be longer than the signed branch distance limit. I could have maybe added a "hop" to get back to the beginning of the loop. Instead I factored out a function for no reason other than to get past the limit. It doesn't make me feel great. Could be something to revisit later.

A bunch of other things worked well. Vicky II has a dedicated bitmap layer that you can cleanly copy to. I say cleanly because it was a lot easier to work with compared to Apple II, and SNES for that matter. There isn't any weird swizzling, interleaving or holes. It was exactly compatible with a DirectDraw surface in terms of indexed color and surface size.

Result looks like: (comparison between the original and the port)

If you aren't familiar with the concept of palette rotation:

Palette rotation is a visual effect made possible by storing image data in a compact way.

You might be familiar with not-very-compact ways to store image data. For each pixel, say, you store a red, green and blue color value. Functionally that works, no worries. But the memory cost- even if each color channel is only two-thirds of a byte, then each pixel will still take up two bytes. Or if each color channel is a byte, you're looking at three bytes then. Or even four if you use alpha. The memory cost can really add up to more than you can afford.

There's a more compact way to store image data. You can store indexed color instead. For each pixel, store a key. The key is only 1 byte, not 4. It's a number from 0 to 255. When the computer displays the image on the screen, it will use that key to look up into a palette, or table of colors. In a way, this limits image quality, since you can only have an image with a low total number of colors (256). But you save a lot of memory. After all, each pixel takes up only one byte.

There are different configurations of key size affecting how many colors you can use at a time. You could sacrifice image quality to optimize for memory even more. Like anything there are tradeoffs. Having a key be one byte is a popular choice though, and this is supported on Vicky II.

Ordinarily, it'd cost a lot of perf to implement palette lookups yourself in your software code. "For each pixel, look up into the palette, assign a color..." It's be so slow. Fortunately, indexed color is an industry-recognized idea that has built-in hardware acceleration on a ton of platforms, including on Vicky II. That's where the benefit really shines, so you don't have to worry.

Anyway, as you see with indexed color, there's indirection. Change one entry in the palette, a simple one-byte change, and it could affect half your image or more. Because of the indirection used with indexed color, an effective way to animate things can be to not animate the image data at all, but to simply make a small change to the palette. The palette has way fewer bytes of data, yet the capacity to change how the whole image looks.

Palette rotation can also be called color cycling. There are some beautiful artworks using color cycling to convey water, snow, or other effects. For example, see this snow effect from this demo page (not my page):

The grid in the lower right shows the palette being changed.

Or this one, with rain:

The Wormhole sample uses the idea of palette rotation to achieve an animation effect. It only copies the original bitmap data once on application start. It never touches it again.

Every VBLANK handler, it only updates the palette. And although it does a lot of manipulations to the palette-- there's four loops, iterating over various parts of it, copying entries around-- it can still be way less expensive than an alternative way of animating things- iterating over every pixel in the bitmap. This way, you can exploit this compactness in the image format to get a performance benefit too.

Source code available here:

April 22nd, 2023 at 5:41 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink